主僕家書 201809



當我們思想如何有效地來紀念這感恩的時刻,起初有考慮是否仍以募款餐會的方式來舉行。經過多方考量後,決定今年在南加州以『電台開放參觀日』並且招待參觀者『便當』午餐的方式來慶祝。我們在上個月天訊中曾與大家分享,2018年1-9月的收入偏低,平均只達到支出(每月約9萬元)的一半左右。我們憑著信心,相信 神感動我們的福音夥伴們在下半年會更大力的支持,讓基督的福音經由多方管道,又深又廣地傳播。但同時我們在支出方面也盡可能地作最有效率的運用。我們在本期的特刊中有特別公佈『參觀日』的時間、地點、和節目。非常盼望您能特別撥冗報名參加,更進深地了解遠東廣播。



以馬內利                                                                                             主僕  黃嘉生牧師 與您談心 2018年9月


Dear Partners in Gospel Broadcasting,

May the peace of our Lord be with you!

Praise the Lord, this special edition celebrating the 30th anniversary of FEBC-Chinese Ministries can finally reach you. It has been a little delayed, but we are grateful to have congratulatory messages from our CEO and from China Ministry Office of FEBC International, as well as articles by former directors and coworkers.

After much consideration, we have decided to have a “Lunch Box Open House” to celebrate our 30th anniversary, instead of a traditional fundraising banquet. The details about the Open House are included in this issue. We hope you can attend and learn more about FEBC. As I mentioned in the last issue, the offerings during the first 9 months of 2018 only met about half of our expenditures. We are faithful that God will move our partners to give us additional support in the latter part of this year so that the Good News of Christ can be spread wide and deep into all corners of the world. In the meantime, we will do our best to use our resources most efficiently.

Our internal ministries have had a busy August. The program department recorded a 24-lecture series on the Five Megillot of the Old Testament and a series on Chinese sacred music history. Pastor Stephen Hsieh also made a special edition of “The Good Shepherd.” In mid-August our media department cohosted the “Internet Mission Forum 2018,” where I was designated to share on the theme “God loves the ROBOT?!”(It is no heresy, as the Chinese character for robot is homophonic to “opportunity, vessel, and mankind.”) About 120 people from many churches participated and engaged in lively discussions.

If your church needs to fill the pulpit, please arrange with our Administration Department. I hope before long I may have the opportunity to minister at your church, share the Gospel, equip believers and lead others to Christ, and greet you in person.


Your servant in Christ,

Pastor James Hwang

September, 2018